Allergy Soother


Our formula for reducing the symptoms of allergies.  In addition, when taken correctly over time, this compound has been shown to reduce or even eliminate allergies in some clients.  Produced originally by our founder, when she developed an allergy to the sun after a severe sunburn in her youth. After 6 months using her invention, she no longer has an allergic response, and can enjoy going to the sea every summer!

The tincture kit is for those who wish to make their own tincture at home in greater quantity, or for countries where tinctures cannot be shipped.

Contains: Eyebright, Goldthread, Nettle, Yarrow, Cayenne, Horseradish, grappa

All ingredients are BIO / Organically produced and pesticide free.
All packaging is sustainably sourced whenever possible.
Many herbal products are not recommended for people who are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or taking medications. Please consult your doctor or herbalist prior to use if you have any concerns or questions on whether this product is right for you.