Mood Balancer


Our formula for regulating and improving mood. This compound is often taken by those who are experiencing symptoms of depression, or SADD during the winter. Mood Balancer does not build up in the body, and therefore the dosage can be adjusted as needed. 

Should not be taken in conjunction to SSRI's or other medications which limit serotonnin uptake.  Please consult your physician or pharmacist if you are taking medicine for depression, to make sure there are no counterindications.

Contains: Ashwaghanda, Prickly ash bark, Skullcap (scutellaria lateriflora), St. John's Wort, grappa

The tincture kit is for those who wish to make their own tincture at home in greater quantity, or for countries where tinctures cannot be shipped.

All ingredients are BIO / Organically produced and pesticide free.

All packaging is sustainably sourced whenever possible.

Many herbal products are not recommended for people who are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking medications. Please consult your doctor or herbalist prior to use if you have any concerns or questions on whether this product should be taken.